wet collector

英 [wet kəˈlektə(r)] 美 [wet kəˈlektər]

网络  湿式除尘器



  1. In the dust cleaning system of fluidized-bed boiler, a two-stage wet cleaning collector is composed of a high-speed centrifugal wet dust settling chamber and a double ring nozzle water film collector.
  2. Blast furnace gas of rich manganese dregs, which has much dust, large moisture, high temperature and wide range, is usually treated by wet collector in our country.
  3. This design adopts the method of wet slag-off, it has restrained the backmixing of falling dust of a multi-pipe dust collector, so that the dust collect efficiency can be notably raised.
  4. Wet cap grit and dust arrester Economic analysis of bag-type dust collector and precipitator
  5. The dedusting equipment mainly includes dust catcher, pocket dust collector, centrifugal dust separator and wet dust collector.
  6. Therefore, it is of great importance to conduct the research on wet dust collector and raise its removal efficiency for respirable dust while ensuring its removal efficiency for total dust.
  7. A new type wet dust collector was developed to deal with the flue gas of the hand stoke boilers.
  8. At the same time, the theory of the wet dust collector is not perfect, so it is becoming important to study the theory of the wet dust collector.
  9. Combining the application of whirlwind-impingement-wet desulphurization dust collector in Zibo coal mine bureau, this paper has expounded its working tenets, technological design, operational result and technical characteristics.
  10. An Experimental Research on the Properties of Centrifugal and Spray Wet Collector
  11. In order to deal with the shortcoming of some flue dust collectors of small boilers, such as high-price, short life-span ad low efficiency, ets, this paper described the design and development of a new wet ceramic dust collector.
  12. The technology of sorbent injection into furnace and calcium oxide activation is advantageous for the desulfurization retrofit on boilers with venturi wet dust collector.
  13. Experimental research on central field wet dust collector
  14. This wet cyclone dust collector integrates dust removal by rotary atomizing and dust removal by cyclone dewatering into a whole and mainly consists of disc-type atomizer, guide device of air flow, dewatering device, fan and circulating water treatment system.
  15. Cyclone-wet Vibration Filter Grid Dust Collector
  16. Integrating the merits of both dry collector and wet collector, a small-size local dust-remover has been designed, which can not only get obvious effect of dust removing but also avoid the discharge of slurry water.
  17. Application on whirlwind-impingement-wet desulphurization dust collector in coal fired boilers
  18. Design and Application of Sewage Disposal Technology in Wet Electric Dust Collector
  19. Research and Application of Wet Cyclone Dust Collector
  20. SD-3 Wet Method High Pressure Electrostatic Collector in Vertical Kiln
  21. It is recommended that the Venturi Dust collector and improved fibreglass epoxy acid mist cleaning tower& wet dust collector gathering and liquid-gas absorption device combination could be used for waste gases cleaning.
  22. As compared to other dust collectors, wet dust collector is simple in structure, low in cost and suits the purification of air in higher humidity and containing adhesive dust, so it has been found wider application.
  23. With the air pollution becoming serious and each industrial department enhancing the letting standard, high performance wet dust collector becomes important an necessary.